Your Guide to Choosing a Perfect Headstone | News & Guides
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News & Guides

Your latest company news & industry guides

Latest News & Industry Guides

A company founded in 1898 for the supply of quality monuments manufactured in the finest materials to the highest standard. Requirements which we still have pride in adhering to today. HL Marks Memorials are the number one gravestone makers in Birmingham.


Keep up today with the latest company news & industry practices when choosing your headstone.

  • During Covid-19, one of the biggest challenges has been our limited contact with those we love. This is most challenging when we cannot see people in times of crisis. This has meant when someone is ill in hospital, or when wishing to commemorate the life...

  • When it comes to end of life services like burials, it’s important to consider what you and your loved ones truly want. The most important considerations when planning a burial are how to represent the wishes of the deceased and how to bring their unique...

  • For those considering moving into a care home in our area, we’ve created a list of those with the best reviews and Care Quality Commission (CQC) ratings. We work in Bentley Heath, Coleshill and Shirley, and our articles are designed to assist older people in...

  • With winter fast approaching, it can be all too easy to stay snuggled up inside with our feet up. But staying active throughout the colder months not only gives us a much-needed daily dose of vitamin D but is also great for our mental health...

  • Choosing a Poem for a Funeral Funerals are important moments at which we remember and celebrate the lives of loved ones. One of the most common difficulties people have with planning a ceremony is finding the balance between celebration and mourning. Some elements of the...